Science for protecting democratic values. Critical infrastructure and human protection and defense with next-level AI.

January 16, 2022 – Toronto, ON. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Kweku Opoku-Agyemang’s research on the economics of extremism and social media is forthcoming in Cambridge University Press. Rigorous economics of incentives, drawing on information economics and behavioral economics can elevate the understanding and preparedness of organizations from contractors and social media platforms to policy makers, technology firms and other security-oriented organizations.
Innovate for the organization and be data-driven
Solve your Political Economy.
Supporting firms and policy makers with the AI and defense economics of the future. Integrating AI into organizations in socially relevant ways to help them deter conflict and foster security while remaining true to democratic values.
Data and machine learning must keep society safe, secure and flourishing
For true digital transformation that is consistent with democratic values, we need innovations that augment human decision making
It is time to take protection to the next level with tailor-made solutions and insights

The future of the economics of defense
To harness the next-generation of machine learning and DevOps, we need effective digital transformations that can augment democratic values and the human condition
That potential is here now. Next-level AI

It is up to us all to make the world a better place, starting with the impact of your defense firm or policy organization
Introducing the next-generation of AI, designed around the fundamental question of what it means to be human
Together, we will inspire change in the world, by first introducing your organization to its true potential

Your New Reality. Be better trained, more engaged and more effective.
From the metaverse to reality. Next-level AI

Kweku Opoku-Agyemang, Ph.D.
Kweku Opoku-Agyemang, Ph.D., is former faculty at the University of California, Berkeley in development economics and a former computer science researcher at Cornell University. He has advised Google scientists, given talks at Facebook, presented to government officials from 12 countries and others.
A former session Chair at the Canadian Economic Association, Kweku believes that his next-generation Machine Learning x Doing approach can help organizations and countries to do better by their people by meeting or exceeding their potential. He is based in Toronto, Canada.