Kweku A. Opoku-Agyemang
Working Paper Class 16
This paper proves that any positive integer solution to the equation
,where x,y, and z are all greater than 2, must satisfy that A,B, and C have a common prime factor. We use the method of a special case of the modularity theorem for elliptic curves, originating from Andrew Wiles. We proceed in two stages. We first state and prove a main lemma that reduces our problem to showing that a certain elliptic curve has no rational points. The lemma shows that if A,B and C are pairwise coprime, then there exists an elliptic curve E that is modular and has rank at least 1, and we then show that this elliptic curve is modular and use this fact to derive a contradiction. The additional result shows that E has no rational points of infinite order, except for the trivial ones. This contradicts the fact that E has rank at least 1, and hence implies that A,B, and C cannot be pairwise coprime.
The views in this Working Paper Class are those of the authors, not necessarily of Machine Learning X Doing.
Opoku-Agyemang, Kweku A. (2023). "On the non-existence of rational points on a family of elliptic curves arising from Fermat’s Last Theorem." Machine Learning X Doing Working Paper Class 16. Machine Learning X Doing.
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